Cancer Surgery

It is an operation or a procedure to remove tumor from body. It is the oldest kind of cancer treatment and works well today to treat many types of cancers.

Cancer surgery needed to know whether patient has cancer, where the cancer is located, spread and affecting other organs.

In surgical biopsy, doctors make a small cut to remove tissues or make sample of tumor or entire tumor. A pathologist or doctor looks at sample to diagnosis the disease.
Surgeons do the staging surgery to know the how large the tumor is and whether it has spread to other organs of the body. The test results help patient and doctor to decide further on treatment.

Removing tumor is the main type cancer surgery.Laparoscopic and Robotic surgeries are recommended less invasive modern day cancer surgery options.
These surgeries have comparatively less pain and faster recovery.

Sometime, surgery is only needed cancer treatment.If tumor is too large and removing it would damage other parts of body, then sugeons remove only part of tumor rather than entire tumor.

Reconstuctive surgeries are done to restore appearance and function of the body part.

Surgery is a good option to lower down the risk of cancer.

Samanvay Hospitals has mastered surgeons to perform complex surgeries. We have fully equipped 3 operation theaters.
We have experienced and renowned surgical oncologists who has expertise in laparoscopic minimal invasive surgeries.